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What kind of healing
do you need right now?
It's right here...
Deep Rest
Deep Rest
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Namaste Hamilton Gage Park
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Deep Rest Restorative Yoga
Deep Rest Full Practice
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Introduction to Deep Rest with Deborah Devine
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Experience Deep Rest!
Stress isn't going to go away.
We just get smarter about how to recognize when stress starts to build.
And we get wiser about finding supports that will help us maintain physical and mental/emotional equilibrium.
Deep Rest is a healing restorative yoga practice. It's a special sequence of 8 simple movements and poses over 90 minutes.
We use blankets and pillows, and we gently move the spine in all directions.
We focus on the breath and support our body positions in ways that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and tone the vagus nerve.
Think of it as getting into the healing zone for the body mind and spirit.
Do the whole practice, or take one segment at a time as time allows.
You may find certain poses and movements more enjoyable. Do those ones more often! Over time, you may find the others are more helpful.
Do the practice. Healing is coming.
Healing Office Yoga!
Stress at work isn't going to go away any time soon.
We need practices that bring us into the present moment; that activate calmness and vitality, in mind, body, and spirit.
We gently invite more awareness of how we're doing; to observe and recognize when stress starts to accumulate.
Let's cultivate intelligent tools that work when we need help.
These healing practices generate a calm energy, helping us feel clear and refreshed in mind and body.
Forget about a mat and yoga pants, you can do these moves in full business attire.
Your desk, the chair, office dividers, the wall, your filing cabinets, all are great supports for your yoga practice.
Ask yourself what kind of healing you need right now and scroll through these Healing Office Yoga practices!
Healing Office Yoga
Healing Office Yoga
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Healing Office Yoga Downward Facing Dog at the Desk
Healing Office Yoga - Help for Sciatic Nerve Discomfort
Healing Office Yoga - Standing & Carpal Tunnel Work
Experience Perfection!
Even though things don't seem "perfect", and can in fact appear as the polar opposite of perfect, we can still meditate on the idea of perfection.
This meditative exploration of the concept of perfection feel uncomfortable at first, but let's stay with it, and watch as it takes us to a place Patanjali describes beautifully in Yoga Sutra 1:3
and then the seeker abides in
their own true splendor.
The Perfect Meditation
The Perfect Meditation
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The Perfect Meditation
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